St John's DermAcademy Podcast
Our Podcasts are delivered to you by clinicians and academics at St John’s Institute of Dermatology and invited speakers. Our aim is to update you and share practical tips on how experts in their field diagnose and treat common dermatological conditions in our short episodes that you can easily listen to whilst on the go. Our podcasts are targeted at healthcare professionals including dermatology consultants, dermatology trainees, GPs and specialist nurses. Disclaimer: The information on our podcasts is based on the latest evidence and expert opinion at the time of recording. The information is for general purposes only and we cannot offer advice for specific patients. Equally, this information is geared towards healthcare professionals. Any member of the public or patients listening should not use this as advice to treat their own condition or others and should consult their own physician for any medical they may have.
St John's DermAcademy Podcast
Episode 10: Vitiligo - Part 1: An introduction to vitiligo
November 21, 2022
St John's DermAcademy
Season 1
Episode 10
In this episode our host Dr Justin Bui speaks to Dr John Ferguson about vitiligo.
We discuss…
- What is vitiligo?
- The changing perception of vitiligo as a skin disease
- An approach to examining patients with vitiligo
- Other conditions associated with vitiligo
Please visit our website for episode notes and references.